Abbyan Ali

#Abbyan Ali #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Abbyan Ali

Who are you?

Well I am an individual who loves music and singing and I decided when I was much younger that it is what I would do when I get older. I am close to fifty mind you – but it felt like it was the right time when – about two years ago. When I made my first song – at a studio mind you.

Otherwise, I am a writer, childrens' books and lyrical poetry, and illustrator. So my music is like my other kinds of works, opinionated and just poeticaly understandable by whom knows the languages or music in a particular style.

I sing in my own kind of styles- mixing my languages and with a slight flare of AfroPop in some songs.
I mainly refer to my musicing as singer, song writer, story teller – communicating.

Colourful and worldly, but only if you understand the vibes – very present yet active – dancing, choiring and multiversed so to say.
I do all the vocals – did i SAY i like singing already? – So I have more tunes, in one and the same song.

I have a new special song – that am hoping will be the song I make my mark on the music scene with. TikiTlkaing Hakuna Matata

Which is also the main reason I am actively doing a promotion now, since I am an indipendent music producer.

Where are you from?

Well, my background is a little bit interesting, I am Somali, I consider myself Kenyan, and am at home, based in Stockholm. I have a loving relationship with my Russian children too. So I am worldly, earthly being.

I am also new to the music scene in Stockholm, so there is not much I can say about it – except about the "Melodi Festivalen".
Which is an arena I have discovered is not as hospitable as I once thought, in regards to the music scene.
I might change my mind about the ways after a while but so far, the change has already changed my compass.
Other than that, I am a solo enterprise and new to the scene so to speak.

How can we follow you?

This is my spotify artist link:

Song Title: TikiTalking- Hakuna Matata

Listen to Abbyan Ali:
