#RESPEK! #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: RESPEK!

Who are you?

i am a versatile artist with a sound that’s unique and very different from others. i deliver energy that the underground music needs with a new and different sound from others

Where are you from?

i’m from hendersonville NC home of where glaive is from the music scene is hella underground over here but hella fire with competition racing 24/7. i am a artist that stands out from most with my own genuine sound that makes me stand out with energy the music and rap game needs

How can we follow you?

soundcloud: @RESPEK!
insta: @isaiahhiltonn
spotify and apple music: @Respek
youtube: @RESPEK!

Song Title: mary jane

Listen to RESPEK!:

Source: supremepr.us…


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