#Webster508 #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Webster508

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

I am the type of artist that puts my all into my music and I write how I feel idc what people have to say about me I am being myself and that is all that matters and I believe we should come together with music and as one because there is enough money for all of us so Noo need to envy

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

I am From Brockton Massachusetts and it is tuff out here people don’t support upcoming artist like myself they envy people that do things they wish they could it’s sad 😞

You can follow me and check out my stuff here:

You can follow me on SoundCloud: Webster508
YouTube : Webster508
TikTok: @webster508

Song Title: Bag Chaser

Let’s have a listen to the new Webster508 track:


Source: supremepr.us…

Reposted from : supremepr.us…


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