#Omri Ash
Artist Name: Omri Ash

Artist Bio

I've been making music for years, I do everything almost completly myself, (besides using friends for guitar parts or bass lines 🙂 ) I released my first album about a year and a half ago and been releasing singles in hebrew and in english ever since

Tell us who you are:

Hi! I'm a small artist from Israel, I create music in all types of genres both in english and in hebrew.
I combine genres in a way that's very unique.

Discover this artist:

honeslty, everything is about the music itself.
you wanna get to know me, go listen
I promise a lot more music in english coming soon as well.

Song Title: 3AM

Listen: Omri Ash track:

Contact Artist: ok18ash@Gmai…

Source: supremepr.us…

Reposted from : supremepr.us…


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