#D.O.A #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: D.O.A

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

I’m a very secretive if you want to know me or get to know me listen to a couple of songs you will find out quickly

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

I’m from Henderson. Nc from the tracks by John st. I grew up now in a pretty bad area in nc and grew up around the violence and pain and that’s what I talk about all of it in my music

You can follow me and check out my stuff here:

They can follow me on SoundCloud
And if they want to find the videos to the music they can go here

Song Title: WRLD 0F L0V3

Let’s have a listen to the new D.O.A track:

Source: supremepr.us…

Reposted from : supremepr.us…


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