Artist Name: Kenmoney

Artist Bio

Kenmoney is a Hip-Hop Rapper who was born in Jacksonville Florida. He fell in love with music at the age of 8. He started rapping at 11. His first song named "Dripped Out" released on June 29, 2021.

Tell us who you are:

Kenyon Gardner (b. October 15, 2006) also known as Kenmoney. Featuring his duo partner Braylan Jackson (b. June 29, 2011) also known as Braymoney. Their rap group called The Money Brothers.

Discover this artist:

Instagram: www.instagra…
Soundcloud: soundcloud.c…
Spotify: open.spotify…
Apple Music: music.apple….

Song Title: Dripped Out

Listen: Kenmoney track:

Contact Artist: kenyongardne…

Source: supremepr.us…

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