by | Jul 18, 2021 | 267, 278, Artist Profiles, Supreme Artist Profiles

For Release by The Supreme Team:
#LIL CLOUDS #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: LIL CLOUDS

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

I am definitely a beginner at mixing and rapping, but I'm still learning. I'm doing my best to get the best results with clear vocals and such. Even though I am from Sweden, I grew up listening to Eminem which has in turn made me want to spend some time on my lyrics. But still, take it easy on me, I'm not a native american:)

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

I am a 21 year old rapper from Sweden. I make american rap because the rap scene is pretty much non-existant in Sweden.

You can follow me and check out my stuff here:

You can listen to everything I release on SoundCloud and YouTube so far. I do not have the digits so to speak to buy beats etc.
You can follow me on Instagram where I post everytime I drop new heat: @lilcloudsxx

Song Title: LIL CLOUDS – LOSIN' CONTROL ft. Midnatt

Let’s have a listen to the new LIL CLOUDS track:



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