Interview: Radiant

by | Apr 28, 2021 | 278, Artist Profiles

Artist Name: Radiant

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

I'm naturally an improvisational writer. I hardly ever have an idea of what I'm gonna create until one beat leads to another. I love and respect all genres and essentially my music is a by product of that!

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

Birmingham, Alabama. The scene here is decent, and I feel like in time it'll become something bigger. We just have to learn to work with each other!

How have your life experiences influenced your music?

I've always been somewhat of an odd loner, and I feel like that allows me to be independently productive in a way that's help me to become more confident in myself as a unique individual. My studies in philosophy have also had a huge impact on me by understanding that if I don't use a lot of lyrics in my tracks, I can allow the listener an open atmosphere for thought. It also keeps me grounded as well as inspired by the endless potential of emptying the mind and focusing on feeling. Allowing that to take control of the direction of each track. Instead of desiring to make a certain sound, I allow my heart to tell me what feels right in the flow of things.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Steve Vai!

Song Title: Albatross

Let’s have a listen to the new Radiant track:



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