S{PR} Artist Spotlight: Blu

by | Dec 22, 2020 | Artist Profiles

Recording Artist: Blu

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Independent Hiphop/Rap music recording artist, Co-Founder and CEO of BluFreezeinc. A small independent record label and merchandising corporation founded around year ago after my business partner and best friend was able to come home from the Hospital after being paralyzed while unarmed in a tragic shooting. The soul premise behind banding together to attempt the impossible came after the sobering realization my business partner would likely never walk again unless we were able to generate enough residual income to afford an extremely expensive stem cell therapy, with that being said; the day we decided to go for I promised myself I would stop at nothing to see my brother walk again, from that moment on I knew Failure was not an option, and in our minds the impossible had not only become possible it’d become an inevitability and I whole heartedly believe if your willing to take the time to get to know our music, business minds, and creative vision you’ll soon realize you’ve stumbled upon the next great moving and motivational story of a young man facing extreme adversity head on embracing the uphill and arduous journey ahead with the help of his best friend and business partner stricken with an unwavering determination and dedication to doing anything and everything in his power to see his former teammate, best friend, and business partner walk again. BluFreezeinc. Comprised of Blu & Viktor Freeze, this unstoppable force was founded and currently based out of Indianapolis, IN. “Thank you for your support and consideration”

What I really want…
To create a platform capable of generating enough revenue to see my brother and business partner walk again

What is your greatest source of inspiration?
To create a platform capable of generating enough revenue to see my brother and business partner walk again

How have your life experiences influenced your music?
Our sound is derived from our life experiences and adversity’s faced through our adolescence to young adults going from team mates in an elite nationally recognized year round wrestling club eventually falling to the allure of girls and party’s. the work ethic drilled into us from a young age was soon redirected to numerous forms of lucrative criminal business to generate income. living above our means and keeping the party going would eventually culminate in the tragic shooting and paralyzation of Vik which in a sort of cruel irony was totally unrelated to the aforementioned black market experiences, rather my brother was paralyzed by a third party while attempting to stop his girlfriends sister from being beat up by her abusive boyfriend while attempting to stop said abusive the boyfriends quietly took a gun out from behind and opened fire without warning.

How can fans learn more about you?



: lbthagod@yah…

Can you give us a sample of Blu music?

Supreme{PR} is excited to feature Blu on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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