S{PR} Featured Artist: Yoursstruly

by | Dec 20, 2020 | Artist Profiles

Recording Artist: Yoursstruly

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am a go getter, heavy people person, I’ve always considered myself different than the average human being, and yea that’s pretty cliche to say, but it’s the truth. I take pride in being myself and only myself.

What I really want…
I want to at least gain 50k followers by the end of 2021

What is your greatest source of inspiration?
Kendrick Lamar, Big L

How have your life experiences influenced your music?
I’ve always been sort of outcast until I went to high school, until then I stayed to myself, didn’t have much friends. Always wanted something that made me stick out, made me unique and that’s my music, my father I’ve never met he’s a bum, he pushes me everyday to be nothing like him

How can fans learn more about you?
INSTAGRAM: Yourss_truly313

Can you give us a sample of Yoursstruly music?

Supreme{PR} is excited to feature Yoursstruly on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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