Bad Monkey – Featured Artist

by | Nov 26, 2020 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Recording Artist: Bad Monkey


“I joined the DJ career in 2001, shortly after finishing the DJ course with the renowned DJ Pitanga (Rivage – Blumenau), a year later had the Baturité The Woman next to the DJ Handerson. Among my inspirations have names like Tiesto, Hardwell and Showtek.
Entrei para a carreira de DJ em 2001, pouco depois de terminar o curso de DJ com o renomado DJ Pitanga (Rivage – Blumenau), um ano depois tive a Baturité The Woman junto ao DJ Handerson. Entre minhas inspirações têm nomes como Tiesto, Hardwell e Showtek.”

Listen to Bad Monkey:


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