Use Content to Drive Your PESO Model and Metrics

by | Nov 19, 2020 | default

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Use Content to Drive Your PESO Model and Metrics

In a truly integrated PESO model, content marketing comes first and, with it, some metrics that extend beyond shares, comments, and engagement. Gini Dietrich has more on what you should measure, how you should plan, and what it will take
The post Use Content to Drive Your PESO Model and Metrics appeared first on Spin Sucks.

CommentsIn reply to Corina Manea. LOL! Yes, please! by Gini DietrichLoved this. From now on, every time I receive an email, I’ll … by Corina ManeaIn reply to Laura Petrolino. Just doing my job! by Gini DietrichOhhh….this is a bookmarker to share with clients. Thank you … by Laura PetrolinoIn reply to howie kapowie zowie de maui. Yes, I love that … by Gini DietrichPlus 3 more…Related StoriesThe PESO Model: How to Measure Your Efforts (III)Use the PESO Model to Supercharge Your PR ProgramThe PESO Model: How to Measure Your Efforts (II) 
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