Artist Profile:

by | Oct 15, 2020 | Artist Profiles

Recording Artist: Jack Ryan

What inspired your new song?
Quite simply, my breakup w/the GF and looking forward to new adventures.

Describe your writing process?
Melodies come to me while walking, driving, “Breathing” (my latest single – but I haven’t put on SC yet) and then it’s straight to the acoustic to work out.

Do you have a video?
I working on one now for my yet unreleased single BUT, here’s two of my last:…. AND….

How do you stand out as an artist?
humor humor humor – see my video TALK

Who are you listening to right now?
Tan Buena, Tito Nieves, Justin B, Clairo, Foreigner

Who are some of your influences?
Coldplay, Beatles, McCartney, John Mayer

What gets you up in the morning? 
What else is there? Probably healthy eating & working out every day.

What’s next for you?
Working on my new video for song Missed U.

How can fans reach you?
It’s all @jackryantunes AND jackryantune…

Listen to :

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