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FEATURED POST FROM THE BEST BLOGGERS IN MUSIC: Advanced Design Techniques: Artwork Design
Advanced Design Techniques: Getting Started
As you are conceptualizing the artwork design for any composition you may need for your branding – you will be faced with some decisions to make. Whether it is typography, logos, colorways, or even advanced design techniques – these are all necessities for a well-designed brand. The artwork for your new releases and the visual representation you convey to your fans and audience will tell them a lot about who you are. You want to use any graphics to illustrate the overall aesthetic and feeling of your brand. This stands true for CD designs, social media profiles, and anywhere your designs may be shown. Let’s go into some basics to get you started.
Advanced Design: The Basics
As you begin the process of using advanced design techniques in your artwork design, think of what you want to do. Familiarize yourself with color palettes and which hues and shades match the best. Furthermore, understanding keeping your design realistic will help you achieve the desired effect you are seeking. Example, if you are working on an album cover for yourself, don’t use colors that aren’t realistic for your scenery. However, if you are going for an abstract feel – this may be appropriate. Ultimately, if you are unsure, keep it simple.
Additionally, other advanced design techniques include layering. Having the ability to manipulate the layers in an artwork design is key to getting the right effect. A layer’s transparency can be adjusted as well as moving specific design elements to the foreground or background. Especially relevant, this helps create depth. Using lighting and shadowing will emphasize this depth. Use these techniques to get the style you are aiming for. Include some typography and you are on your way to a full graphic design.
However, if this feels out of your wheelhouse – no worries. View Maniac offers professional artwork design for musicians at affordable rates. Get custom designs for your new releases and branding. Get in touch for a free consultation to get started today!
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