#XO! (@xomariano) #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: XO! (@xomariano)
Who are you?
I'm a total spitfire- the type that will always give you a show you didn't know you needed. I use my versatility and performance structure to ensure that I always deliver a spectacle with my work.
Where are you from?
I'm from Rochester, NY originally, but I mostly grew up in Fayetteville, NC. Looking for an escape I moved to Wilmington and jumped into acting and music headfirst. Wilmington doesn't have a big music scene but the scene that does exist is centered around band culture. I myself found a way to slide in be it that my style mixes a plethora of genres including rock among them.
How can we follow you?
You can find me on all socials under @xomariano! Currently I have music out on all platforms, but for the next quarter I'm rebranding and focusing solely on YouTube and SoundCloud- feel to check em' out!
Song Title: We're All Ghosts
Listen to XO! (@xomariano):
Source: supremepr.us…