5 Things We Learned From Promoting A Live Streamed Show



Have you thought about doing a paid, ticketed ‘pay per view’ stream for your audience but been put off because you don’t quite know how to promote it? Well, Sheldon has just promoted such a show and in this episode he and Greg discuss the main SoundCloud takeaways from the experience including the main methods used to promote the tickets, when people are likely to buy their tickets and the groundwork you’ll need to put in before those tickets go on sale.

If you want Soundcloud promotion real to start making money from live streams, this episode is definitely for you. Sadly Greg lost the footage so this episode is audio only (though there’s still LOTS of information to be had!).

For promoting live shows in general see Episode 5 of 30MMM here >>

You can also listen to the show as a podcast:

Listen On Anchor

Listen on SoundCloud SoundCloud Podcasts
Listen on Spotify

Got any questions about this post or how you can better market yourself?

Twitter: @60secondmm

Facebook: www.facebook…

SoundCloud Promotion

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